5 Signs You Might Be a Wimpy Mother

If you’re a mom who’s overwhelmed, exhausted and dreading the upcoming summer, please know you’re not alone.  If mothers of grade school and middle school kids were honest, more would probably admit that summer can be challenging – especially if they’ve unknowingly become a wimpy mom.    

The following can help you to determine if you’re a wimpy mom:

W – Do you WANT your kids to like you? Sure, but if that’s your #1 goal you might be setting yourself up for trouble.  Making your kids happy isn’t nearly as important as gaining their respect – and the key to that is consistency.  Establish rules and boundaries and then be sure to maintain them. 

I –  Are you often IMPATIENT and jump in to do things because you want them done perfectly? If so, you’ll rob your kids of the opportunity to gain confidence and build self-esteem.

M – Do you MAKE EXCUSES for your kids’ annoying behavior?  Instead, clearly communicate your expectations for their behavior and be sure to include consequences if they fail to meet them. (Most importantly, consequences that will be hard for your kids, and not for you). 

P –  Do you PAINT yourself as the “bad mom” if your kids aren’t “perfect?” If you can learn to  LIKE  yourself you can say “good-bye” to perfectionistic standards – for yourself and your kids.  By all means, aim for excellence, but leave perfection to the man upstairs. J

Y – Do you YIELD to your kids, rather than making them yield to you? If so, it might be a long summer.  Never forget that you’re the boss; YOU provide a place for your kids to live, food to eat, an education, rides to school and activities, vacations, and the list goes on.  You’re in charge.  Not the kids!

Fortunately, I know many great moms; they’re confident about who they are, communicate their expectations to their kids, and allow natural consequences.  In other words, they’re not wimpy moms.  If you see yourself in any of the 5 signs, try setting and maintaining stronger boundaries so you can all enjoy the summer.