This time of year, many of us are making the transition from a winter wardrobe to a spring one. What a great time to declutter your closet, physically and emotionally. Today, let’s focus on the easier of the two (your physical closet). This can actually be a fairly simple process, and can take less time than you may think.
Step one, is to remove everything from your closet – yes, everything.
Trust me: It’s crucial to remove everything if you want to be successful with decluttering.
Step two, is to sort the items into 3 piles.
- The first, is what we’ll call “keepers.” These are the items you’re sure about; items you enjoy wearing, that fit well and are in good condition.
- The second pile, we’ll call “possibilities.” These are things that (with a little help) could become keepers. Maybe the item needs to be altered to fit better or look better, or maybe all it needs is to have a button sewn on. Could it be that a great accessory would help revive the item and make it more appealing?
- The third pile, we’ll call “donations.” These are things that no longer serve your best interests; things that don’t fit well or are uncomfortable, things that are worn out or aren’t a good color or style for you.
Step three is to work with each of the piles in reverse order.
Once you’ve completed the sorting, pack up the donations group. Place those items in dark colored bags and take them to your car immediately. That way you won’t be tempted to reconsider them later. Plan a trip soon to a local women’s shelter or another place where the items can be a blessing to someone else.
Next, review the possibilities group and determine what needs to be done with each one. If alterations are needed, put that on your schedule and place those in a separate pile. If you’ve determined you need something to complete a couple of outfits, make a shopping list and schedule time to look for those items.
The last step is to look at the items in the keepers pile. Consider how you could pair them up differently. You might discover new combinations you hadn’t seen before.
Also, this is a good time to determine if any items need a good cleaning or to be ironed. Do whatever it takes to ensure that the items you return to your closet are ready to go. Once this process is finished take a look at your closet and congratulate yourself on a job well done.
Decluttering your physical spaces can result in lower stress. Try it for yourself and then enjoy the satisfaction of a decluttered wardrobe. – It’ll likely energize you and put a “spring’ in your step. ☺