Unfortunately, you might consider the idea of a mother-in-law you dream of to be impossible – or at least highly unlikely. However, you didn’t know mine.
Rose Economos was a beautiful woman who I was blessed to have as my mother-in-law for 27 years. Unfortunately, she passed away six years ago. Rose was one of the kindest, most loving and generous people you could ever meet. She had a “servant’s heart” in every cell of her body! She lived up to the meaning of the phrase, “she would give you the shirt off her back,” because she would! She would do practically anything for others –especially for her family and any of her 6 grandchildren!
When Rose died, the tree pictured here, was a gift to us from my sister and her family. Now, six years later, as I enjoy the view from our deck, I find myself thinking of her. The color of the tree is beautiful (a rosy magenta of sorts) which is a great reminder of “our Rose.”
As we’ve reminisced with people over the past couple of years, nearly everyone has said, “Rose always made me feel very special” -and she did! She had that unique ability to make everyone feel as if they were her “favorite.” She gave attention to those in her life; she served them generously, celebrated with them and encouraged them.
After raising three sons, Rose wholeheartedly welcomed me and her other daughters-in-law into the family. She made each one of us know that we were treasured, and she never missed an opportunity to demonstrate that to us.
Although we miss her greatly, I’ve often been comforted by the thought of Jesus welcoming her home with the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
Have you thought about, after you pass, what you hope people will say about you and the impact you’ve had on them? Will they say “She always made me feel special”, “She made quite a difference in my life,” or something equally positive?
I strongly believe that each one of us was created to live a life of influence – as opposed to a life of indifference. Whether you’re aware of it or not – and whether you’re intentional about it or not, you are influencing those around you. The question then: Is your influence contributing to the legacy you hope for?
Jesus left a legacy of loving God with all his heart, soul and mind. In Deuteronomy 6:5, He commands us to do the same.
Personally, I want to leave a legacy of living wholeheartedly; loving God, myself and others, with all my heart (Matthew 22:37-39). What about you? What’s the legacy you desire?