The One Word That Can Change Everything

Despite what we may think, we have a very limited view of ourselves and our circumstances. God’s Word says that we see “in part,” but eventually we’ll see in full. (1st Corinthians 13:12)


Until that time, however, the challenge is to live in the present with an eternal perspective. That’s the only way we can rise above our worldly circumstances and live with peace, confidence and joy.


To embrace that eternal perspective, we must acknowledge one simple word.


That word is, “meanwhile.”


That word indicates that despite what we’re experiencing, at the same time there’s something else going on.


For example, in college, I struggled; among other poor choices, I didn’t choose the best guys to date. Meanwhile, God was preparing me for the most outstanding man I’d ever know – who ended up being my husband for almost 37 years.


Years later, we struggled with infertility – before anyone ever talked about it. Meanwhile, God was orchestrating the details for us to eventually have a family of four. In addition, He was equipping me to minister to other women who were facing infertility.


More recently, my husband was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. Needless to say, we were devastated. Meanwhile, God was at work, teaching us to rely on Him. Our faith grew to such a level that 3 ½ years later, when Ted passed away, he had a deep sense of peace; as he said, “I know where I’m going and it’s going to be good.”


Things don’t always turn out like we hope. We live in a fallen world and God’s Word says we will have trouble. Yet, we can face those things with a much different and healthier perspective.


Whatever you’re going through, remember that meanwhile, God is at work.


P.S. Despite the most devastating loss of my life, I have a deep sense of peace – and yes, even joy. I know God has a good “chapter 2” for me. Although I don’t know what that chapter will involve, I know He’s writing the rest of my story. I’m learning to have an eternal perspective.


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