My best friend and I have a wonderful tradition; we go on an annual mother/daughter shopping trip, usually to Chicago. We’ve done it for as long as I can remember and it’s always one of the highlights of my year. However, our most recent trip was especially meaningful.
Last year we dealt with some pretty tough stuff, including my husband’s ongoing pancreatic cancer and my own breast cancer.
So the first day of our shopping trip, my daughter drew our attention to some unusual, black and copper shoes. At first I made fun of them and we laughed about our difference in taste.
Not five minutes later she ended up buying them and then wore them the next day – and no joke, at least half-a-dozen people complimented her on them. In addition, more importantly, she told us how comfortable they were, even after walking all day long.
So the next day I tried to find them in the silver/black combo that I was then considering for myself. I was bummed that even after looking in several different stores, none of them had my size. So I gave up on the idea.
After arriving home a few days later, I found a UPS package on our doorstep. I was perplexed as I didn’t remember ordering anything.
When I opened the box, I found the pair of shoes I’d been searching for. Inside was a note from my best friend and her daughter. It said, “We thought you should have these shoes. Now go kick cancer’s a**!”
It was one of my favorite gifts of all times! And every time I wear them I think of how much these incredible friends have been such a tremendous source of support and encouragement.
Sometimes it’s the little things that fill your heart to overflowing, and make you feel like you can kick cancer’s a**.