In 2009, at the age of just 50, Michael Jackson passed away. He’d enjoyed massive success and was known as the “King of Pop.” Do you remember seeing his first full-length video, “Thriller,” on MTV? I’ll never forget that experience; not only could he sing, but boy could he dance!
I was enthralled with his performances and know many of his songs so well that I can sing every word – songs like “Beat It”, “Don’t Stop ‘til You Get Enough,” and one of my all-time favorites, “Remember the time.”
Then, in August of this year, at 76 years old, Aretha Franklin passed away. As many broadcasted stories about her life, we were reminded that she was known as “The queen of soul.” Like many of you, I enjoyed her music and knew all of her greatest hits – like “Respect,” “A Natural Woman” and “Think.”
Although the words of the King of Pop or the Queen of Soul may have been unforgettable, words from the “King of Kings” are far more powerful; God’s Words can transform your life!
Renew your commitment today, to study and learn His Words. With enough repetition, you’ll be singing His praises – word for word.
– What’s one of your favorites from God’s Words? My favorite (the one that guides my life), is Matthew 22:37-39; paraphrased, it says to love God, yourself and others, with all your heart. In other words, live wholeheartedly!
Alicia Economos (Author, speaker, and heart coach)