When you look at this picture what do YOU see?Upon my first look, I saw a house that I thought needed to be demolished! However, this young man saw something completely different; he saw a great opportunity and hence, something worth investing in.
You see he remodels and flips houses. Therefore, he could look at this “heap of garbage” and see nothing but potential. From previous experience, he could that with some work there were tremendous possibilities.
I thought this was a great reminder of who we are. We often see ourselves as “not good enough;” we’re critical of the ways we fail to meet our perfectionistic standards, so we keep trying to fix ourselves up.
Fortunately, God is in the restoration business. He sees our potential and has determined we’re worth investing in. He also knows the incredible transformation that can take place when we surrender to His remodeling efforts.
Rather than verbally tearing yourself down, turn to God for your identity. Invest in your relationship with Him and surrender to the work He wants to do in you – and ultimately through you.
As a result, you’ll discover the masterpiece God created and you’ll be more valuable and beautiful than you can imagine. In fact you already are. 🙂