What Will Yours Look Like?










What’s your normal approach to projects? Do you jump right in without much thought or do you thoroughly prepare before you begin? Once you’ve begun, do you usually have the determination to finish the project or does your enthusiasm dwindle and stop you short of completion?

Think about some of your previous projects that you finished –particularly those you finished well.

Maybe you ran a marathon within the timeframe you wanted, you finished your education, or you planned and executed a beautiful wedding, the remodeling of your home, etc.  Instead, maybe you made an impact by serving those in need or crafted a great solution to a problem at work or in your community.

In reviewing your examples of finishing well, what stands out to you? What were the components that contributed to your success? Was prayer or reliance on God a contributing factor? What about utilizing your own talents, gifts and experience? Was seeking help from others a part of the success?

In thinking about your future, what would you like to finish well: A weight loss or financial goal for the year, or something more comprehensive –like reaching Heaven, having completed the work God created you to do?

How might you incorporate the same components that helped you in previous projects, to help you finish well in the future?

In the biblical “Parable of the Talents” we read about a servant who finishes well; he hears his Lord say, “well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23). What could finishing well look like for you?

How might you live today, this week, this year, if your goal was to hear Jesus say to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant”?

May we live each day with a focus on the finish line, seeking God to direct our steps along the way.


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